Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis

Laboratory was created in 2018.

Staff list

Photo Staff member Departments and organizations Positions and posts Scientific degree Room Phone (local) Phone (city)
Baltybaev Sh.K. Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis, Academic Council of RAS on Precambrian geology problems, Academic Council, Dissertation Council Head of Laboratory, Principal Staff Scientist, Member of AC RAS PGP, Deputy Chairman of DC, Member of AC Dr. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), 25.00.01, 25.00.04 233, 237 160 328-47-01, 328-48-01 (fax)
Azimov P.Ya. Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis Senior Staff Scientist Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 235 162 328-03-62
Dolivo-Dobrovolsky D.V. Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis Senior Staff Scientist Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 235 162 328-03-62
Galankina O.L. Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis, Shared Equipment Center AIRES Senior Staff Scientist, Member of SEC Scientific and Technical Council Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 210, 233
Yurchenko A.V. Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis, Council of Young Scientists Staff Scientist, Member of CYS Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 233
Anisimov R.L. Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis, Council of Young Scientists Junior Staff Scientist, Member of CYS
Borisova Ye.B. Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis, Council of Young Scientists Junior Staff Scientist, Member of CYS
Petrakova M.Ye. Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis, Council of Young Scientists Junior Staff Scientist, Member of CYS Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 223
Lezzhov A.M. Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis Engineer 223
Vivdich E.S. Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis Engineer 123